In our digital world, sometimes blocking someone becomes the best option to protect our peace of mind.
People can push boundaries or bring negativity into our lives – on social media, messaging apps, or even professional platforms.
If you are considering blocking someone, you might feel the need to say something first, either for closure or to give them a final chance to understand why this is happening.
This article covers helpful ways to approach blocking across platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat) along with ideas for respectful messages that can make this process feel a bit easier.

Should I Tell Someone Before I Block Them?
Deciding whether to tell someone before you block them depends on your relationship with that person, and the reason behind the decision.
Here are some key factors to consider:
1. Level of Connection: If it is a close friend or family member, sending a brief message might help prevent misunderstandings or unnecessary drama. But if it is your ex- boyfriend / ex- girlfriend or someone you have only met online, it is okay to block without any heads up.
2. Type of Interaction: If the person has repeatedly crossed boundaries or caused you distress, you owe them no explanation. However, if this person is generally respectful but there has been a recent disagreement, a quick message can bring closure.
3. Your Comfort and Safety: If you feel threatened or unsafe, it is usually best to block them without any prior conversation. In cases where your mental health is at stake, prioritize your well-being over worrying about their reaction.
4. Chance of Resolution: Sometimes, a polite message before blocking allows the other person to reflect on their behavior and possibly change. But if you have already tried this and things have not improved, blocking might be the next step.
Telling Someone Before Blocking: Things to Consider
1. Be Brief and Kind: Keeping it simple can prevent miscommunication. Avoid blaming or going into too much detail, as this might invite further debate.
2. Use Neutral Language: Frame your message around your need for space rather than pointing out what they did wrong. This keeps the conversation focused on your well-being, not on their behavior.
3. Avoid Over-Explaining: You don’t owe anyone a full explanation, especially if they’ve caused you harm. A short statement is often enough.
4. Stay Calm and Professional (especially on LinkedIn): On professional platforms, keep the language polite and career-focused. Anything overly personal might reflect poorly in a professional context.
5. Understand They Might React Poorly: Blocking can lead to hurt feelings, so be prepared for a range of reactions. If they respond negatively, remember you are setting boundaries for your own well-being.
(A) What to Say Before Blocking Someone on Social Media
If you want to say something before you go silent, keep it simple and respectful. Let them know why you are taking this step without making it a big confrontation.
A short, honest message can help you feel like you have closed that chapter on a positive note, even if the other person does not respond well.
Here are examples of things you could say to someone before blocking them on various social media platforms – covering different tones, from polite and firm to straightforward and simple.
They will give you a range of ideas for approaching different types of connections, whether casual acquaintances, old friends, family, or even professional contacts.
0. General Short Messages for Any Social Media Platform
Here are some examples to consider, depending on your situation:
- “I need a bit of space, so I’ll be unfollowing here.”
- “Just letting you know that I’ve decided to block you and move on.”
- “I’m narrowing my social media circle for personal reasons. All the best!”
- “I feel it’s best for both of us if we don’t stay connected on here. Take care!”
- “I’m re-evaluating my connections, and I’ll be taking a step back from now on.”
- “I’m blocking you and taking time to reduce my online connections. Wishing you well!”
- “I’m focusing on keeping my social space positive, so I’ll be stepping back from our interactions.”
1. Facebook
Facebook connections often span a variety of relationships, from family to colleagues and friends, while its feed includes status updates, photos, and likes.
Unfriend and blocking ex from Facebook to stop seeing their feeds, and stopping someone seeing your posts on Facebook are among the common reasons here.
Examples of things to say:
If It is a Close Friend or Family Member (eg. after big argument):
- “I think we need to take a break from each other online for a bit. I’m stepping away from some connections to focus on myself, and I hope you understand.”
If It is a Casual Friend or Acquaintance:
- “Hey, I’m going to be making some changes to my Facebook friends list, just trying to simplify things. It’s nothing personal, but I wanted to give you a heads up that I’ll be unfriending you here.”
- “Just wanted to let you know I’m removing you and some people from my Facebook friends list for personal reasons. Take care!”
- “I’m stepping back from some online connections, just giving you a heads-up that I’ll be unfriending you here.”
- “I’m focusing on offline connections right now, so I’ll be unfriending you on Facebook now.”
- “I’ll be cutting down my friend list here to keep things simpler. Wishing you well!”
- “I’m cleaning up my friends list and taking some time away. Best of luck!”
If They are Frequently Commenting or Messaging Unwanted Opinions:
- “I feel like we have different perspectives, and it’s getting difficult to keep up. I’m going to take a step back from our interactions for now.”
- “I’m narrowing my circle here and stepping back from a few Facebook connections, so I’ll be unfriending you here.”
- “I think it’s time to take a break from Facebook friends, so I’ll be disconnecting from now on.”
- “I’ll be focusing on a smaller friend group, so I’ll be unfriending here.”
If It is ex- Girlfriend / ex- Boyfriend / ex- Wife / ex- Husband:
It is not necessary to inform your ex if you plan to block them, but if you want to let your ex know you need space before blocking him/her to avoid misunderstandings (especially if you both are still on talking terms), here are examples of what to say:
- “Just letting you know that I’ll be disconnecting with you on this platform as I need some space.”
- “I think some distance would be good, so I’ll be unfriending you on Facebook and move on.”
2. Instagram
Instagram is where many people connect casually, so messages before blocking can be short and straightforward. Examples of best things to say:
If They are Casual Friend or Acquaintance:
- “Hey, I’ve decided to take a step back from some online connections. I hope you understand if I’m not as available here anymore.”
- “Taking some time offline and reducing followers. Hope you understand!”
- “Just giving you a heads-up that I’ll be unfollowing as I take some space. Bye!”
- “I’m focusing on some personal stuff and reducing my online contacts. Best wishes!”
- “I’m shifting my Instagram focus and won’t be as connected here anymore. Take care!”
If There’s Been a Disagreement (eg. political disagreements):
- “It seems like we are not on the same page about some things, so I think it’s best if we take some space. I’m going to unfollow and take a break.”
- “Our paths seem to be different right now, so I’ll be disconnecting here.”
- “It feels like our posts aren’t aligning anymore. I’m going to disconnect now.”
- “I’m stepping back from certain connections for personal reasons, and I’ll be unfollowing you.”
If They Keep Messaging or Tagging You:
- “I’ve noticed a lot of notifications from our chats, and it feels overwhelming. I’m going to step back and need some space. Thanks for understanding.”
- “I think it’s best if we take a break from following each other. Wishing you all the best!”
- “I’m taking a break from a few connections to focus on other things, so I’ll be unfollowing.”
3. TikTok
TikTok’s short-form video content invites a lot of interaction from fans and followers. Its interactive platform means that messages are often public, so you can also choose to ignore and simply block without a parting note.
However, if someone has become too intrusive or negative, especially if it is a known person or a follower who is engaged frequently – a short message can help to set your boundaries and address the situation.
General Short Messages for TikTok
- “I’m narrowing down my following list. Best of luck!”
- “I’m organizing my TikTok feed, so I’ll be unfollowing for now.”
- “I’ll be focusing on other interests, so I’ll be unfollowing here.”
- “Just a heads-up that I’ll be focusing on my own content, so I’ll be unfollowing.”
For casual followers:
- “I appreciate you engaging with my content, but I think it’s best for us to part ways here. All the best!”
- “Our interests don’t align, so I’ll be disconnecting from now onwards. Wish you luck!”
For a persistent commenter:
- “Hey, I noticed your comments, but I need to keep my feed a positive space. I’m going to step back from this interaction. Take care!”
For unwelcome messages:
- “Thanks for reaching out, but I’m taking a break from responding to messages. Take care!”
4. LinkedIn
Blocking on LinkedIn might seem odd, but it can become necessary, especially if a contact is overly persistent or sends inappropriate messages.
If They’re a Former Colleague or Professional Connection:
- “Thanks for connecting with me on LinkedIn! I’m simplifying my network for now to focus on certain areas. Wishing you all the best in your career.”
- “Hey, I’m re-evaluating my LinkedIn connections and will be taking a step back, so I’ll be disconnecting here.”
- “Hi, I appreciate our connection, but I’m taking a step back from certain LinkedIn connections for now. Take care!”
If They Keep Messaging Inappropriately or Persistently:
- “I appreciate your interest, but I’d like to keep things professional on LinkedIn. I’m going to step back from further messaging for now.”
- “I’m focusing on a smaller network here, so I’ll be removing you and some other contacts.”
- “Just a heads-up that I’ll be refocusing my LinkedIn contacts and reducing my connections here.”
If They’re Constantly Selling or Promoting Services:
- “Thank you for sharing your business updates, but I’m focusing on other things right now. I’ll be limiting my connections for a bit. Best of luck!”
- “I’m simplifying my connections here. Thanks for understanding!
- “I’m focusing my LinkedIn network differently, so I’ll be disconnecting here.”
- “I’m keeping my network small, so I’ll be removing you alongside some connections.”
5. Snapchat
Snapchat is a more personal platform due to its focus on private snaps and direct interactions. Here, it is common for people to feel closer to each other, even if the connection is not that deep.
On Snapchat, blocking someone is less noticeable since they simply won’t see your updates or be able to contact you. It is fine to keep your explanation short if you prefer.
For casual contacts:
- “I’m keeping my Snap friends list small for now, so I’m going to step back from this connection. Take care!”
For persistent Snappers:
- “I appreciate the Snaps, but I’m focusing on other connections. Wishing you well!”
For inappropriate snaps:
- “I’m not comfortable with some of the Snaps you’ve sent, so I’m going to step back.”
6. X (Twitter)
X is fast-paced and often public, with followers and casual acquaintances interacting freely.
In cases of more aggressive trolling, blocking someone is not immature, and you don’t owe anyone a goodbye message.
Blocking without warning can be completely appropriate, especially if someone’s behavior has crossed the line.
If someone on X (Twitter) is being disrespectful or overwhelming, here is how to address it.
For a mutual follower:
- “I’ve enjoyed our conversations, but I need to take a break from some online interactions for now. Wishing you well!”
For someone who replies excessively:
- “I appreciate you engaging, but I’m scaling back on my interactions here to focus on other things.”
For negative or trolling comments:
- “I’m all for open discussions, but I’m stepping back from conversations that affect my peace. Take care!”
7. YouTube
If you are a content creator or an active user on YouTube, comment interactions can sometimes turn sour. Blocking a viewer or commenter can be necessary if they are persistently negative or disrespectful.
Blocking someone on YouTube removes their ability to comment on your videos, so if you don’t want to engage at all, it is completely okay to skip any farewell message and simply block them.
For repeat commenters:
- “I appreciate your feedback, but I’m keeping my channel a positive space, so I’ll be taking a break from these interactions. Thanks for understanding!”
For someone who shares unsolicited advice:
- “Thank you for your input, but I’m happy with the direction of my channel and won’t be continuing this discussion.”
For toxic or trolling comments:
- “This isn’t the type of engagement I’m looking for. Wishing you the best!”
8. Reddit
Reddit’s anonymity often allows people to express themselves freely, and interactions can get out of hand quickly in private messages or comments.
On Reddit, blocking is often best done without much explanation due to the platform’s casual anonymity. However, if it is user you have frequently interacted with in a subreddit, a short parting message can close things on a clearer note.
Here is how to handle it if you feel the need to block someone.
For persistent DMs:
- “Thanks for reaching out, but I’m keeping my Reddit messages closed. Take care!”
For someone who repeatedly tags you:
- “I’m going to step back from this interaction as I’m keeping my Reddit time limited.”
For someone who is overly negative or argumentative:
- “I respect differing views, but I’m not comfortable continuing this conversation. All the best!”
9. Pinterest
Pinterest is typically a more peaceful platform, with users mostly focused on sharing inspiration. However, you may encounter someone who leaves unwanted comments or messages.
Because Pinterest is not as interactive as other platforms, blocking without a message is usually acceptable. Most people won’t notice unless they actively look for your profile.
For someone who messages too often:
- “I’m focusing on keeping Pinterest a simple, positive space, so I won’t be continuing our conversation here.”
For someone who leaves personal comments on your pins:
- “I’m keeping this space focused on inspiration, so I won’t be engaging in personal conversations.”
For any inappropriate behavior:
- “I need to keep my Pinterest experience positive, so I’m stepping back from this interaction.”
(B) What to Say Before Blocking Someone on Messaging Apps
Blocking someone on Messaging Apps like WhatsApp and WeChat can feel like a drastic measure, but sometimes it is necessary to protect your mental and emotional health.
For examples, blocking ex after breakup and blocking family member who keeps asking for money, are among the valid reasons here.
Sending a message beforehand can help bring closure or set the stage for a peaceful parting, even if it is just a quick line or two.
Remember, you are not obligated to explain your decision if it makes you uncomfortable, especially if the person has crossed serious boundaries.
Choose the words that feel right to you, and keep your focus on maintaining a positive, healthy online environment for yourself.
0. General Short Messages for Any Messaging App
Here are some examples to consider, depending on your situation:
- “I’ll be taking a break from our chats. Wishing you well!”
- “I’ve enjoyed chatting, but I need to take some time away for now.”
- “I’m reducing my online conversations and focusing on personal things.”
- “I’m going to step away from our messages for a bit to focus on myself.”
- “I’ll be stepping away from our chats to focus on other things. Take care!”
- “I’m taking a break from certain contacts to focus on myself. Hope you understand!”
1. Facebook Messenger
Facebook Messenger is widely used for personal connections, so blocking someone here can be sensitive.
On Messenger, blocking a contact will also remove them from your friends list on Facebook, so it is a more significant action. For acquaintances or former close friends, a message can help smooth out any misunderstandings. Here is how to approach it:
For Family or Close Friends:
- “I need some personal space for now, so I won’t be reachable here for a while. Thanks for understanding.”
For a Casual Friend or Acquaintance:
- “Hey, I’m going to be stepping back from Messenger for a while, so I won’t be available here anymore. Take care!”
- “I feel it’s best if we take a break from our conversations, so I’ll be disconnecting for now.”
For Former Friends:
- “I feel it’s best if we both take some distance for now. Wishing you all the best!”
- “I think it’s best if we both take a bit of a breather. Take care!”
For Someone Crossing Boundaries:
- “I appreciate your messages, but I need some space on here. I won’t be replying further.”
For Persistent Messaging:
- “I’m focusing on other areas right now, so I’m going to disconnect on here. I hope you understand.”
For Negative or Draining Interactions:
- “I think it’s best if we part ways here. I’m keeping my Facebook Messenger connections limited, so I’m going to step back from our chats.”
- “I’m taking some time to focus on positive connections. Thanks for understanding!”
2. Instagram Direct
Instagram Direct is where many casual and formal interactions take place, and blocking someone on Instagram means they will no longer see your profile or posts, either.
Instagram Direct messages can easily get overwhelming, so if someone is not respecting your boundaries, blocking is a reasonable option.
Letting them know your decision is up to you, but it can help avoid conflict if you feel it is necessary. Here is how to approach it:
For a Regular Follower or Friend:
- “Hey, I’m taking a break from Insta interactions for a while, so I won’t be reachable here. Take care!”
For Overly Persistent DMs:
- “Thanks for understanding while I step back from our messages.”
- “I appreciate your messages, but I need some space, so I’ll be stepping back.”
For Inappropriate or Unwanted Advances:
- “I’m not comfortable with some of the messages I’ve received, so I won’t be responding further.”
For Negative Comments or Energy:
- “I’m keeping my Instagram a positive place, so I’ll be disconnecting from certain chats for now. Thanks for understanding.”
3. WhatsApp
Blocking someone on WhatsApp is often more personal, as it is typically reserved for friends, family, and close acquaintances.
Examples of best things to say:
What to Say Before Blocking Someone on WhatsApp:
- “I need a break from our chats, so I’ll be stepping back.”
- “I think a break from our chats would be good for both of us.”
- “I’m scaling back on WhatsApp to focus on other things. Wish you well!”
- “I’m focusing on a smaller WhatsApp circle, so I’ll be disconnecting here.”
- “I’m going to step away from messaging for a while. Hope you understand!”
- “I think some distance would be good, so I’m taking a break from chatting with you.”
- “I’ve decided to reduce my chats and step back from certain connections. Wishing you well!.”
- “I’m reducing my WhatsApp contacts for a bit, so I’ll be stepping back from our chats. Best of luck!”
- “I’m focusing on personal things and simplifying my WhatsApp contacts, so I’ll be disconnecting for now.”
If They are Overly Persistent Friend:
- “I’ve noticed our messages have been a bit too much for me lately, and I’m feeling overwhelmed. I’m going to take a break from chatting for a while. I hope you understand.”
- “I need a bit of distance, so I’ll be stepping away from our chats. Wish you well!”
- “I need to reduce my time on WhatsApp, so I’ll be stepping back. Take care!”
If They are Family Member:
- “I need some time to focus on my own space right now, so I might not be as active on WhatsApp. I’ll reach out when I’m ready to connect more.”
- “I’ve decided to step away from WhatsApp conversations for now.”
If They are Sending You Unwanted Content or Opinions:
- “I’d like to keep things light on here, but I feel like we’re not on the same page. I think it’s best if we step back from chatting for a bit.”
If Your Ex Keeps Contacting You on WhatsApp:
- “I’m blocking you to protect my mental health. Please do not contact me again.”
- “I’ve decided to block you and move on from our relationship.”
4. Telegram
On Telegram, people sometimes connect for group activities or shared interests. Here are some last messages to politely sign off.
What To Say Before Blocking Someone on Telegram
- “I’ll be reducing my Telegram contacts for now. Take care!”
- “I’m simplifying things on Telegram and will be stepping back.”
- “I’m stepping away from Telegram chats for a while. Take care!”
- “I’m limiting my Telegram conversations. Hope you understand!”
- “I’ll be focusing on other things, so I’ll be reducing my Telegram chats.”
- “I’m stepping back from some Telegram connections for now. Take care!”
- “I’m scaling back on my Telegram circle to keep things simple. Wish you well!”
If It is Someone from a Group Chat:
- “Hey! I’m going to be leaving this group and focusing on other things for now. Thanks for the conversations and all the best!”
If it is Casual Acquaintance Who Messages Often:
- “I’ve decided to step back from some conversations. It’s nothing personal – I just need some space. Thanks for understanding.”
- “I’m focusing on myself and cutting down on Telegram chats. Wishing you all the best!”
If It is a Friend Who Has Been Unkind or Hurtful:
- “I think we need a bit of space, so I’ll be stepping back from our chats for a while.”
5. WeChat
WeChat is a primary messaging app in many regions, making blocking someone here similar to removing a contact on your phone.
On WeChat, blocking someone completely removes them from your contact list and limits their access to your profile and posts. It is a substantial action, so if you’ve had a close connection, a brief explanation can help ease the process.
If you need to block someone on WeChat, here are examples of message to text over:
For a Former Friend or Acquaintance:
- “I’m stepping away from certain contacts on WeChat for now. Wishing you well!”
- “I think it’s best if we take a break from chatting. All the best!”
- “I need to cut down on my WeChat contacts, so I’ll be stepping back.”
- “I need some time to myself, so I’ll be disconnecting here for now – just to let you know.”
For Persistent or Overbearing Messages:
- “I appreciate your messages, but I need some space. I hope you understand.”
- “I’m stepping back from our chats right now. Wishing you the best!”
- “I’ll be taking a break from our WeChat conversations for now. Take care!”
- “I’m focusing on myself for now, so I’ll be stepping away from our chats.”
For Inappropriate or Disrespectful Messages:
- “I don’t feel comfortable with some of the messages I’ve received, so I’m going to step back from our chat.”
For Toxic Interactions:
- “I’m focusing on more positive connections, so I won’t be continuing our conversations here.”
6. Snapchat
Snapchat is typically more personal, given its focus on sending photos and short videos directly to friends or contacts.
When you block someone on Snapchat, they will no longer see your profile, snaps, or stories. If the connection has been fairly casual, a short explanation might be enough, while in cases of inappropriate content, blocking without explanation is fine.
Here is how to approach blocking someone on Snapchat:
For Casual Acquaintances:
- “I’m keeping my Snap friends list small these days, so I won’t be staying in touch here. Take care!”
For Persistent Snaps or Messages:
- “Thank you for the messages, but I need some space here. I appreciate your understanding.”
For Inappropriate Snaps or Content:
- “I’m not comfortable with the Snaps I’ve been receiving, so I’m going to step away from this connection.”
For Overly Negative or Draining Contacts:
- “I need to keep my Snapchat a positive space, so I won’t be able to stay in touch here.”
(C) What To Say Before Blocking Someone on Your iPhone / Android Phone
Blocking someone on your phone can be a difficult decision, especially if you’ve had a personal relationship with them.
Sometimes blocking is the best option (eg. block your ex- girlfriend / ex- boyfriend after a relationship breakup) – whether it is to create distance, protect your mental health, or establish clear boundaries.
On iPhone or Android phone, blocking a contact usually means they won’t be able to call or text you, and there is no option for the other person to see if they have been blocked.
However, if it is someone you have personal connections with, a brief message can bring closure and clarity.
Here are some examples of last words to say if you decide to block someone you’ve known or communicated with regularly.
For Casual Acquaintances:
- “I’m keeping my contacts limited right now, so I won’t be able to stay in touch for now. Wishing you well!”
For Persistent or Overbearing Contacts:
- “I need to take a step back from our communication. I appreciate your understanding.”
For Ex-friends or Former Partners:
- “I think it’s best for both of us to have some space. Please respect my decision to step away from our conversations.”
For Spammy or Inappropriate Messages:
- “I’m going to end this conversation here. Please don’t contact me anymore.”
When to Consider Blocking Someone on Your Phone or Social Media
Before diving into what to do and specific things to say, it is essential to understand when blocking is appropriate.
Here are some scenarios where blocking someone is not rude and may be the right choice:
1. Harassment or Bullying: If people are being abusive or threatening, or someone is persistently leaving hurtful or offensive comments, blocking immediately can protect your mental health.
2. Boundary Violations or Unwanted Advances: If someone repeatedly crosses boundaries with inappropriate personal messages or emails, especially if you have already expressed discomfort and the person continues, then blocking can set a firm boundary.
3. Toxic or Negative Interactions: If an acquaintance or follower consistently spreads negativity to leave you feeling drained or unhappy, then blocking can create distance and maintain your online peace.
4. Invasion of Privacy: Sometimes, strangers or even acquaintances can make you uncomfortable by prying too much into your personal life.
5. Persistent Unwanted Contact: If someone continues to contact you despite clear signals that you are not interested. Example: Ex- boyfriend / Ex- girlfriend wants to get back together.
Do You Always Need to Say Something Before Blocking?
Not necessarily.
Saying something before blocking is a personal choice, and in cases of harassment or bullying, a goodbye message is not required.
If someone has violated your boundaries, blocking without notice is perfectly okay and valid.
In other cases, a quick message can help clarify your decision, especially if it is someone you know personally or have interacted with regularly.
You can keep it simple, polite, and to the point. This can sometimes close the conversation without hard feelings.
Does Blocking Someone on Social Media Delete Messages?
Blocking someone on social media generally restricts their access to your profile and stops future communication.
However, it does not typically delete past messages on most platforms.
Here is a rundown of how blocking affects messages on popular social media platforms:
1. Facebook (Messenger)
– Messages: Blocking someone on Facebook or Messenger does not delete previous conversations. The chat history will remain visible in both your and the other person’s inbox, but you won’t be able to send or receive new messages from each other.
– Visibility: The blocked person won’t be able to see your profile, posts, or tag you. You’ll also disappear from each other’s friend lists if you were friends.
2. Instagram (Direct Messages)
– Messages: When you block someone on Instagram, your previous chat history in Direct Messages remains, but you won’t be able to message each other anymore. The person you blocked can still see your previous conversations unless they delete the chat on their end.
– Group Chats: If you are both in a group chat, you’ll still see each other’s messages there. Instagram will notify you about the person’s presence in shared groups, allowing you to leave if you wish.
3. TikTok (Messages)
– Messages: Blocking someone on TikTok does not remove past messages. Your chat history will still be visible in both inboxes, but new messages won’t be possible between you and the blocked user.
– Visibility: The blocked user won’t be able to view your profile, comment on your videos, or interact with your content.
4. Snapchat
– Messages: Blocking someone on Snapchat does more than most platforms. When you block someone, they’re immediately removed from your friends list, and they won’t be able to view your profile, stories, or send messages. However, your past chat history will remain in their inbox, but they won’t be able to send new messages or snaps to you.
– Snaps: Unopened snaps may be deleted if they were sent before the block, but this can vary.
5. X (Twitter)
– Messages: Blocking someone on X (formerly Twitter) removes them from your followers, but it doesn’t delete existing Direct Messages. Your chat history remains in both of your inboxes. However, neither party can send new messages.
– Visibility: They won’t be able to see your tweets or interact with you on the platform.
6. WhatsApp
– Messages: Blocking someone on WhatsApp does not delete past messages in your chat history. Your previous conversations will still be visible, but the blocked person won’t be able to send new messages, see your status updates, or view your profile picture changes.
7. LinkedIn
– Messages: When you block someone on LinkedIn, your previous messages are not deleted. Both parties will still have access to their chat history, but you won’t be able to send new messages to each other.
– Visibility: The blocked person will be restricted from viewing your profile, updates, or posts on LinkedIn.
In summary, blocking someone typically only stops new communication and interaction; it does not delete past conversations. To remove past chats, you would generally need to delete the conversation manually from your end, but this won’t erase it from the other person’s inbox.