Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where a person tries to make someone question their reality, perception, or sanity.
Often subtle, gaslighting can leave the victim feeling confused, doubting their memory, and emotionally distressed.
This guide covers inspiring quotes on gaslighting, including insights from therapist and experts in psychology that shed light on the tactics that gaslighters use.
Recognizing gaslighting and setting boundaries are essential steps toward recovery.

Manipulation and Gaslighting Quotes
Gaslighting is a powerful, often hidden form of manipulation that undermines an individual’s confidence and sanity.
This can range from denial of facts, twisting stories, or even manipulating memories to convince the victim that they are in the wrong or “imagining things.”
Gaslighter often leaves the victim feeling isolated, confused, and dependent on the manipulator’s version of reality.
Here are some gaslighting quotes that provide insight into how such manipulation operates:
1. “A gaslighter’s goal is emotional manipulation.” – Wayne Dyer
2. “A gaslighter doesn’t seek companionship but control.” – A.J. Mahari
3. “Gaslighting reshapes your thoughts to fit their agenda.” – Nina Brown
4. “To a gaslighter, manipulation is love, distortion is care.” – Andrew Ferebee
5. “Gaslighting is the ultimate form of reality twisting.” – Margaret Rutherford
6. “Gaslighters erase memories to control your narrative.” – Shannon Thomas
7. “Gaslighting humbles victims until they become compliant.” – Lorraine Nilon
8. “Manipulators prioritize their gain over your wellbeing.” – Richard Malthouse
9. “Gaslighters exploit your emotional responses to manipulate you.” – Wayne Dyer
10. “Gaslighting turns you into a puppet, distanced from your true self.” – Alice Miller
11. “Turning over emotional control to manipulators allows their power.” – Wayne Dyer
12. “Denying one’s reality under the guise of help is manipulative, not caring.” – Randy Patten
13. “Changed behavior is the only apology; otherwise, it’s just manipulation.” – Maranda Pleasant
14. “Gaslighting begins when they make you feel that everything you see is wrong.” – Mark Ruffalo
15. “Gaslighters masterfully manipulate, finding those they can control over time.” – Noosha Anazb
16. “Intuition can guide us away from gaslighting manipulators who seek control.” – Erik Pevernagie
17. “It starts with a lie, building to a smear campaign intended to isolate and manipulate.” – Tracy Malone
18. “Gaslighters will deny, lie, and manipulate to make you feel like you’re losing your grip on reality.” – Stephanie Moulton Sarkis
19. “Gaslighters seek to destabilize their targets by denying reality, deflecting blame, and manipulating perceptions.” – Dr. Robin Stern
20. “Gaslighting is used by abusers to deny responsibility for their harmful actions, manipulating you to doubt yourself.” – Dr. Henry Cloud
Narcissistic Gaslighting Quotes for Him / Her
Narcissistic gaslighting involves someone with narcissistic tendencies using gaslighting techniques to maintain control and inflate their self-image.
Narcissists often see others as extensions of themselves rather than as independent individuals, which leads them to use tactics like gaslighting to control and manipulate.
In cases of narcissistic gaslighting, the narcissist often shifts blame onto the victim to avoid accountability. Such behavior not only keeps the victim tethered emotionally but also fuels the narcissist’s ego and sense of superiority.
Dr. Ramani Durvasula, a psychologist who specializes in narcissistic abuse, notes that “gaslighting isn’t just about lying; it’s a tactic that makes you question your worth and sanity.”
Here is a list of gaslighting quotes related to narcissism, that offer insights on identifying narcissistic gaslighting and reflect the diverse strategies gaslighters employ to control and influence.
These quotes reveal the underlying need for control and power in narcissistic relationships, where gaslighting becomes a tool to subdue and dominate.
21. “Gaslighting is covert narcissism, a game to avoid blame.” – Lori Gottlieb
22. “Gaslighting erases your reality, making you exist in theirs.” – Abby Norman
23. “Gaslighting breeds isolation by severing self-confidence.” – Maranda Pleasant
24. “Gaslighters make victims believe they need them for guidance.” – Terry Gaspard
25. “If one person is always right, that could be a cue for gaslighting.” – Chivonna Childs
26. “There’s nothing so dangerous to gaslighters as independent thought.” – Meg Greenfield
27. “Gaslighters often pose as protectors, but their aim is control, not care.” – Ross Rosenberg
28. “Gaslighters want control; they don’t want you to see their true self.” – Jackson MacKenzie
29. “Gaslighters change narratives to avoid responsibility and create chaos.” – Dr. Sharie Stines
30. “Gaslighting makes the victim agree with the abuser, believing they’re unstable.” – Rachel Nall
31. “Gaslighting is a covert way to make the victim feel inferior to the narcissist.” – Stephanie Moulton Sarkis
32. “The narcissist gaslights to maintain control, rendering their victim helpless.” – Christine Louis de Canonville
33. “Constantly questioning your reality can lower self-esteem and create dependency.” – Gabriela Sadurni Rodriguez
34. “Gaslighting’s real damage comes from denying experiences, leaving victims questioning their own reality.” – Ariel Leve
35. “Narcissists will make you believe their reality because they need to be right and they need control.” – Shannon Alder
36. “Narcissists know how to manipulate people by creating dependency; they’ll withhold affection or approval to make you feel desperate for their validation.” – Shannon Thomas
37. “People who harm you will blame you for it. Remember, an abuser will generally always play the victim, spin a story, tell everyone, and they generally call you crazy.” – Maranda Pleasant
Emotional Gaslighting Quotes: The Toll on Mental Health
Emotional gaslighting specifically targets a person’s feelings, making them question whether their reactions, feelings, or perceptions are valid.
In a typical emotional gaslighting scenario, the gaslighter dismisses or invalidates their victim’s feelings as “too sensitive” or “irrational.”
By downplaying their emotions, the gaslighter instills self-doubt, causing the victim to feel overly emotional or unstable, making them more compliant and easier to control.
Emotional gaslighting can lead to long-term psychological effects, including anxiety, depression, and a weakened sense of identity.
These quotes reflect the dangerous impact of emotional gaslighting, particularly how it creates emotional reliance on the gaslighter.
38. “Gaslighting thrives in emotional dependency.” – Craig Malkin
39. “You’re not overreacting; gaslighting makes you feel irrational.” – Alice Little
40. “You feel erased, as if you don’t exist beyond their shadow.” – Rachel Resnick
41. “If you alter your behavior out of fear, you are being abused.” – Sandra Horley
42. “Gaslighting often begins with silent, hidden emotional abuse.” – Vikram Karve
43. “The gaslighter seeks power, not love, leaving emotional chaos.” – Dr. George Simon
44. “Emotional abuse is designed to undermine another’s sense of self.” – Lorraine Nilon
45. “Invalidating emotions is key in gaslighting to create self-doubt.” – Samantha Rodman
46. “Gaslighting makes the victim feel like they are to blame for the abuse.” – Craig Malkin
47. “A gaslighter’s web is designed to capture the unsuspecting.” – Mwanandeke Kindembo
48. “Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse, marked by denying one’s experience.” – Ramani Durvasula
49. “Gaslighting is psychological aggression, often misinterpreted as normal conflict.” – Dr. George Simon
50. “Invalidation is crazy-making, a root tactic of gaslighting to deny victims’ emotions.” – Samantha Rodman
51. “Gaslighting creates dependency; you begin to feel you need them to validate your experiences.” – Tracy Malone
52. “Gaslighting makes us doubt our memories and judgments, psychologically throwing us off balance.” – Dana Arcuri
53. “Gaslighting erodes your confidence until you become emotionally dependent on the gaslighter.” – Stephanie A. Sarkis
54. “Gaslighting is an emotional abuse tactic that makes the receiver doubt his or her perception of reality.” – Amy Marlow-McCoy
55. “Gaslighting erodes the foundation of trust, making one believe they’re responsible for everything that’s wrong.” – Dr. Robin Stern
56. “If someone is telling you that you’re too sensitive or imagining things, they’re manipulating you by invalidating your feelings.” – Shannon L. Alder
57. “Remember that any time you’re filled with resentment, you’re turning the controls of your emotional life over to others to manipulate.” – Wayne Dyer
58. “Narcissists withhold affection to punish you. Withhold attention to get revenge. And withhold an emotional empathetic response to make you feel insecure.” – Alice Little
59. “Gaslighting causes us to doubt our own memories, perceptions, and judgments. It throws us psychologically off balance. It’s like being in the Twilight Zone.” – Dana Arcuri
60. “Invalidation is crazy-making, and it is also at the root of gaslighting, where victims’ feelings are purposely denied or manipulated in order to make them question their sanity.” – Samantha Rodman
61. “Gaslighting qualifies as a form of emotional abuse that involves denying a person’s experience and making statements, such as ‘that never happened,’ ‘you’re too sensitive,’ or ‘this isn’t that big a deal.'” – Dr. Ramani Durvasula
Gaslighting Quotes related to Relationship / Husband / Family
Gaslighting can be particularly devastating in intimate relationships, where trust and emotional vulnerability are essential.
In relationships, manipulation is frequently subtle and begins with minor actions that gradually escalate. Over time, a gaslighter erodes their victim’s confidence, leading the victim to feel insecure and trapped in the relationship.
Gaslighting is not limited to romantic relationships; it can occur in familial relationships as well.
Parents, for instance, may gaslight their children by denying or altering events to avoid blame or enforce control. Children who grow up with gaslighting often have difficulty trusting their own perceptions and may struggle with self-esteem issues.
Additionally, based on a survey conducted by the National Domestic Violence Hotline, 74% of female victims of domestic violence experienced gaslighting by their partner.
These quotes reflect how gaslighting behaviors affect relationships with partner, spouses, children, and family members.
62. “Gaslighting aims to tear down boundaries.” – Wingheart
63. “Gaslighting subtly attacks your self-trust.” – Dr. Robin Stern
64. “Gaslighting turns trust into obedience.” – Shannon Thomas
65. “Gas lighters remove truth to impose confusion.” – Henry Cloud
66. “Gaslighters find pleasure in your insecurity.” – Linda Martinez-Lewi
67. “Gaslighters play victim, painting you as the problem.” – A.J. Mahari
68. “Gaslighting festers in a lack of truthful self-expression.” – Teal Swan
69. “With a gaslighter, you’ll find your reality blurred.” – Dorothy McCoy
70. “Gaslighters rewrite history to suit their narratives.” – Terry Gaspard
71. “Gaslighting mirrors insecurity, breeding mistrust.” – Veronica Conway
72. “Gaslighting’s denial tactics turn you against yourself.” – Leslie Vernick
73. “Gaslighting grows when personal truths aren’t expressed.” – Teal Swan
74. “Gaslighting erodes self-worth and personal insight.” – Brittany Canfield
75. “Gaslighting is used to create an illusion of protection.” – Ross Rosenberg
76. “Refusing to express your truth sets the stage for gaslighting.” – Teal Swan
77. “Gaslighters deflect blame to paint themselves as victims.” – Aletheia Luna
78. “The first step in gaslighting is erasing one’s self-assurance.” – Alice Walker
79. “Gaslighting drives us to question our deepest truths.” – Samantha Rodman
80. “Every manipulated memory brings further dependency.” – Shannon Thomas
81. “Gaslighters will twist every argument to make you feel guilty.” – Alice Walker
82. “Gaslighting creates codependency, chaining you to their reality.” – Tina Swithin
83. “Gaslighters might even use flattery as a tactic to lower your defenses.” – Preston Ni
84. “Malicious gaslighters enjoy seeing you lose your confidence.” – Linda Martinez-Lewi
85. “Gaslighting makes you question your memory, erasing trust in yourself.” – Amy Marlow
86. “Gaslighting is learned by watching others and used to control people.” – Jennifer Huizen
87. “The beauty of gaslighting is it doesn’t require lying; it just requires denying.” – Ariel Leve
88. “Gaslighting breaks trust by making the victim doubt their experiences.” – Anita Moorjani
89. “Gaslighting redirects your focus, taking attention away from their flaws.” – Janice Vilhauer
90. “Gaslighting starts slowly, making you question your own reality over time.” – Dr. Robin Stern
91. “Gaslighting in relationships is often a tactic to avoid responsibility for betrayal.” – Willis Klein
92. “Experiencing gaslighting signals larger issues in the abuser, not just the victim.” – Kate Willman
93. “In a gaslit relationship, the abuser creates a version of you they can control.” – Dr. Henry Cloud
94. “If you question your reality in the face of a family member’s denial, that’s a red flag.” – Alice Little
95. “Gaslighting isn’t exclusive to relationships; it’s a behavior seen in many social settings.” – Brittany Canfield
96. “Gaslighting makes you question your instincts and reality in order to control you.” – Stephanie Moulton Sarkis
97. “Gaslighting parents make their children feel that reality is something they cannot trust.” – Dr. Ramani Durvasula
98. “It’s not just about lying; gaslighting is about making you question your worth and reality.” – Dr. Ramani Durvasula
99. “If you alter your behavior because you are frightened of how your partner will react, you are being abused.” – Sandra Horley
100. “Parents who gaslight create confusion in their children’s minds, making it difficult for them to trust their own thoughts and emotions.” – Shannon Thomas
Breaking Free from Gaslighting
Recovering from gaslighting involves reconnecting with one’s sense of reality, building self-trust, and distancing oneself from manipulative relationships.
This can be challenging, as victims of gaslighting may find it difficult to believe in their own perceptions after prolonged manipulation.
Seeking support from a therapist or trusted friends can provide a fresh perspective and help individuals regain confidence in their judgment.
These quotes underscore the importance of trusting one’s inner voice and seeking validation outside the manipulative relationship.
101. “Trust your instincts, as a gaslighter thrives in your doubt.” – Preston Ni
102. “The truth doesn’t become false just because a gaslighter says so.” – Dr. Henry Cloud
103. “The moment you realize you’re being gaslighted, you begin to take back your power.” – Dana Arcuri