143 Gossip Quotes: Get Inspired from Whispers to Wisdom

Gossip is a powerful force that can quickly tear people down, create misunderstandings, and spread negativity.

However, we have the power to rise above it by choosing truth, integrity, and positivity.

Inspiring gossip quotes serve as reminders to focus on meaningful conversations rather than harmful chatter.

Whether you are seeking wisdom to combat workplace rumors or looking for motivation to break the gossip cycle in your personal life, these quotes are a source of encouragement and reflection.

Inspiring Gossip Quotes to Live By

Here are quotes about gossip, covering a range of perspectives on the subject.

1. “Gossip is the Devil’s radio.” — George Harrison

2. “When you gossip, you trade your integrity for momentary attention.” – Tony Gaskins

3. “Gossip is called gossip because it’s not always the truth.” – Justin Timberlake

4. “Loose lips sink ships.” — WWII slogan

5. “Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.” – Socrates

6. “A lie has speed, but truth has endurance.” – Edgar J. Mohn

7. “Gossip, like a virus, infects the spirit of community.” – Joan D. Chittister

8. “What you think of me is none of my business.” – RuPaul

9. “Gossip is an evil thing. It is like a rock that can easily shatter a person.” — Pope Francis

10. “Small minds discuss people. Average minds discuss events. Great minds discuss ideas.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

11. “There are three sides to every story: your side, my side, and the truth.” — Robert Evans

12. “People gossip. People are insecure, so they talk about other people so that they won’t be talked about themselves.” — Blake Lively

13. “Gossip is easy. Gossip is low.” — Shonda Rhimes

14. “The only time people dislike gossip is when you gossip about them.” — Will Rogers

15. “Gossip is hearing something you like about someone you don’t.” – Earl Wilson

16. “To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves.” – Will Durant

17. “Gossip, as usual, was one-third right and two-thirds wrong.” – L.M. Montgomery

18. “Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.” – Marie Curie

19. “Gossip is what no one claims to like, but everybody enjoys.” – Joseph Conrad

20. “When it comes to gossip, I have to readily admit men are as guilty as women.” – Marilyn Monroe

21. “We live in a world where people don’t see gossip as a form of violence anymore.” – Tony Campolo

22. “Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions.” – Will Smith

23. “People have always been fond of gossiping. It’s the excitement of hearing others’ flaws that binds people together in a false way.” – Eckhart Tolle

24. “Gossip is a sort of smoke that comes from the dirty tobacco-pipes of those who diffuse it: it proves nothing but the bad taste of the smoker.” – George Eliot

Short Gossip Quotes for Instagram and Sending Text

  1. “Your mouth can be your worst enemy.”

  2. “Gossip is poison.”

  3. “Gossiping and lying go hand in hand.”

  4. “He who throws dirt always loses ground.”

  5. “Gossiping and lying go hand in hand.”

  6. “Words are seeds. What are you planting?”

  7. “If you don’t say it, they can’t repeat it.”

  8. “The more gossip you speak, the less you know.”

  9. “Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you.”

  10. “If you want to control gossip, just shut up.”

  11. “He who gossips with you will gossip about you.”

  12. “Gossip dies when it hits a wise person’s ears.”

  13. “Gossip is a small mind discussing other people.”

  14. “Words are powerful. Gossip spreads like wildfire.”
  1. “To talk without thinking is to shoot without aiming.”

  2. “Don’t waste words on people who deserve your silence.”

  3. “Words have no wings but they can fly a thousand miles.”

  4. “Gossip is like cancer: It destroys everything in its path.”

  5. “It takes two to create gossip. One to speak, one to listen.”

  6. “The lion does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep.”

  7. “People gossip because they are insecure with their own lives.”

  8. “Gossip is for people who can’t handle someone else’s success.”

  9. “Words are like bullets: once fired, you can’t call them back.”

  10. “Gossip, like smoke from a fire, spreads faster than the flames.”

  11. “What you don’t see with your eyes, don’t witness with your mouth.”

  12. “Even a fish wouldn’t get into trouble if it kept its mouth shut.”

  13. “He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.”

Savage Gossip Quotes

52. “A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.”

53. “A tongue has no bones, but it can break a heart.”

54. “Gossip may entertain for a moment, but it scars for a lifetime.”

55. “Some people create their own storms and then get mad when it rains.”

56. “Gossip can either break or bind friendships, depending on how it’s used.”

57. “Don’t participate in gossip, instead redirect conversations to meaningful topics.”

58. “If you spend your life sparking fires, don’t be surprised when you get burned.”

59. “Don’t worry about the people who gossip behind your back, they are behind you for a reason.”

60. “Gossip is the opiate of the oppressed.” – Erica Jong

61. “Gossip is what people who are bored do.” – Bruce Willis

62. “It is better to be alone than in bad company.” – George Washington

63. “Gossip is a way of avoiding the conversation.” – Maurice Natanson

64. “No one gossips about other people’s secret virtues.” – Bertrand Russell

65. “It isn’t what they say about you, it’s what they whisper.” – Errol Flynn

66. “The tongue is the only tool that gets sharper with use.” – Washington Irving

67. “Some say our national pastime is baseball. Not me. It’s gossip.” – Erma Bombeck

68. “Gossip is when you hear something you like about someone you don’t.” – Earl Wilson

69. “Gossip is like a train wreck. It’s something everyone likes to watch, but no one wants to be in.”

70. “Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves practically nothing unsaid.” – Walter Winchell

71. “Gossip, even when it avoids the sexual, bears around it a faint flavor of the erotic.” – Patricia Meyer Spacks

72. “Gossip needn’t be false to be evil – there’s a lot of truth that shouldn’t be passed around.” – Frank A. Clark

73. “It is one of my sources of happiness never to desire a knowledge of other people’s business.” – Dolley Madison

74. “If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.” – Khalil Gibran

75. “Nothing travels faster than light, with the possible exception of bad news, which follows its own rules.” – Douglas Adams

76. “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” – George Orwell

Funny Gossip Quotes

77. “I don’t repeat gossip, so listen carefully the first time.”

78. “Gossip: Because what’s life without a little bit of drama?”

79. “If you’re not part of the solution, feel free to gossip about the problem.”

80. “Gossiping and lying go hand in hand – like peanut butter and jelly.”

81. “Gossip is when you hear something you like about someone you don’t.”

82. “If you haven’t got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me.”

83. “Some say our national pastime is baseball. Not me. It’s gossip.” – Erma Bombeck

84. “Gossip is the only thing that does no good unless it’s spread.” – Charles F. Kettering

85. “People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” – Isaac Asimov

86. “I like to hang out with people who make me forget to look at my phone. Unless, of course, we are gossiping about people on the phone.”

Gossip Quotes At Workplace

87. “Gossip is the enemy of teamwork.”

88. “Gossip at work is a shortcut to distrust.”

89. “Office gossip doesn’t build teams; it tears them down.”

90. “In the workplace, gossip often replaces communication.”

91. “The key to surviving workplace gossip: Don’t participate.”

92. “Office gossip is a virus, and it spreads through the ears.”

93. “The best way to avoid office gossip is to be too busy doing your own work.”

94. “Gossip is the social glue of the office – right up until it becomes toxic.”

95. “Workplace gossip is a sign of people with too much time and too little to do.”

96. “If your coworkers are gossiping, stay focused on your goals, not their words.”

97. “The only people who benefit from workplace gossip are those not involved in it.”

98. “Gossip is a workplace virus that can only be stopped by choosing not to spread it.”

99. “Gossiping at the workplace is like throwing a boomerang – it always comes back to you.”

100. “What you say about others in the workplace says more about you than it does about them.”

101. “Gossip has no place in a productive work environment; it’s the hallmark of a toxic culture.”

102. “The workplace thrives on communication, but gossip is not communication – it’s contamination.”

Stop Gossiping Quotes

103. “Be a voice, not an echo of gossip.”

104. “Let your words build bridges, not walls.”

105. “Be the one who breaks the chain of gossip.”

106. “Gossip dies when it’s no longer entertained.”

107. “Don’t spread gossip. Spread kindness instead.”

108. “Strong people silence gossip, weak people fuel it.”

109. “Silence the gossip by focusing on what truly matters.”

110. “Don’t participate in gossip; instead, lift people up.”

111. “Gossip is like a virus – it spreads unless we choose to stop it.”

112. “Stop gossiping. It’s a small person’s way of feeling important.”

113. “Gossip is the tool of small-minded people. Choose to be better.”

114. “Be the kind of person that stops gossip, not the one who spreads it.”

115. “Speak good or remain silent. Gossip has no place in a kind heart.”

116. “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

117. “Gossip is the most worthless form of communication. It brings no value.”

118. “Stop talking about people. Start talking about dreams, ideas, and goals.”

119. “Before you spread gossip, consider whether you would want the same said about you.”

120. “Before you speak, ask if what you’re about to say is true, kind, and necessary.”

121. “Don’t fill your mind with gossip. Fill it with knowledge, positivity, and ideas.”

122. “Gossip is like chewing gum – fun for a moment, but gross when it sticks to everything.”

123. “People who spread gossip often don’t know the full story. Choose kindness over speculation.”

Gossip Quotes about Friendship

124. “Good friends don’t let friends gossip.”

125. “Gossip doesn’t build friendships, it breaks them.”

126. “A friend who gossips is a friend who can’t be trusted.”

127. “Gossip is the quickest way to lose friends and trust.”

128. “Friends don’t let friends become the subject of gossip.”

129. “A true friend will guard your secrets, not spread them.”

130. “Gossip separates real friends from those pretending to be.”

131. “Friendship should be a source of trust, not a platform for gossip.”

132.”If your friendship is built on gossip, it will crumble with the truth.”

133. “True friends are those who build you up, not tear you down with gossip.”

134. “Friends don’t gossip; they protect your name when others try to ruin it.”

135. “If your friend shares gossip with you, imagine what they say behind your back.”

Quotes about Gossip and Rumors

136. “Gossip and rumor are like fire – they spread quickly and cause damage.”

137. “Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.”

138. “Gossip needs no starter, but it always requires fuel.”

139. “Don’t believe everything you hear – gossip is as fake as the person who spreads it.”

140. “A rumor without a leg to stand on will get around some other way.”

141. “Gossip is for people who can’t handle the truth.”

142. “Those who spread gossip only reveal their own insecurities.”

143. “Rumors are like confetti. They are thrown into the air and scatter everywhere, but no one remembers where they came from.”

Research Studies about Negative Impact of Gossip